Maintaining my steeze 😎

About 5 years ago,

I had no job, no real skills, no opportunity.

The only thing I had was a pure desire and hunger to succeed.

I remember sending out 100's cold DMS to different individuals I deem fit

I even offered to work for some for FREE...

Every single one of them declined

Including a mentor of mine.

I looked up to him but I was rejected.

You know all those talks about leading with value and all that

I led with value, created some free write-ups.

Did everything and it seemed like my village people were just after me 

Can you imagine how painful that could be? 

But Amid that chaos, I maintained my steeze! 😎 

I made a decision that I was going to get to the point where I had the things that I wanted.

And I did just that.

And since 2021,

I've been on a path that leads to fulfilling my dreams.

Although I'm still not where I want to be,

I still have my fair share of rejections and frustrations

But the future is exciting.

The reason I'm telling you this is...

You don't get to achieve your life goals by just "trying" or "being good."

You do so by:

  • Having 100% maximum composure 😎

  • Showing up

  • Embracing failures &

  • Gritting your teeth.

That's it.

Until next time.

Bon Voyage 👋

PS. I feel like I’ve been more of a motivational speaker since I started this email newsletter 😅 What do you think?